Make sure to follow the KDASC Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to stay connected and receive updates about what's happening in the district. Updates will also be posted here on the website!
Follow us on instagram @kickapoostuco
WARNING!! If any of our officers or our social media asks you to buy something or ask for your social security number, DO NOT DO WHAT THEY SAY! We are aware that scammers are using our names into tricking others into getting people scammed. If you encounter a scammer, please block them! Thank you! |
Look for us @kickapoostudentcouncil
What's New?Hello KDASC members!
This will be my last announcement before I pass the baton to the next web-master! Thank you to all who have contributed to this year. We had many successful events that we had this year. A big thank you to our 2023-20024 KDASC board. To the seniors who are about to graduate, good luck on the path you are going to take to your success. Thank you to all the schools who have hosted a district event. Good luck to the 2024-2025 KDASC board, I hope you have a successful year ahead of you. To the students who participated in this year, whether you attended all of them or at least one event, thank you for making this year a moment to remember. Have a great summer and farewell KDASC members! |
Experience our past events!
Upcoming Events
Use the District calendar to see past events and view what is coming next!
Awards KDASC Has Won |
How to Become a Member |
#1 District in the Illinois Association of Student Councils (IASC) for the past 5 years and running! Additionally, this award has been given out 7 times and 6 of those were won by the KDASC!
To join the District, your school must register with the state. Membership fees are $75 annually. Make sure you select Kickapoo under IASC District to join us! Your membership will be official with your payment. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the district through the forum!
Charitable Actions
The KDASC believes in helping those less fortunate. Each year the KDASC Executive Board chooses several charities to donate to. At each event held items are brought in to donate to the selected charity for said event. To find out more about how you can make a difference click the button below!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at: